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Click on the HTML button to insert a new HTML block.
Paste in the HTML showcase code you copied from this site.
Click and drag the resize icon to adjust the HTML block to the desired size or until everything fits.
To preview what everything will look like before you publish the post, click on the Preview button right next to the Publish button. This will open either a new tab or window and present you with a full preview of the blog post.
Wix does not allow scripts or iframes to be inserted into your blog post. Therefore, you must disable the Embedded Showcase option on the preview step when you are building your showcase.
Awesome and so easy to use. Love the flexibility!! Thank you.
WOW, this is amazing! I am just learning about blogging and this is an awesome tool. I just stumbled onto this by accident and I'm totally in love with it. It adds such a professional look to my blog, and it's free. Literally took me seconds to create and the final product is breathtaking. Thank you so much!!!
This site is just amazing and helps me make my blog and website look amazing. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job and making my job so much easier. Also their support team is amazing and answered my question so quickly. Thank you! Well worth the money.
Love all the different display options and the search function. What a fabulous resource.
You have made incredibly easy to use and I LOVE the search function, I never know the codes and always need to go off and search for them but I can just search by name. Thank you for the amazing tool!
Wow, I couldn't believe how easy and simple this was to start and add such a professional addition to my blog! It saved me some much time and effort! I couldn't believe even the items in the upcoming Occasions Catalog were available! I love it!
wow wow wow - thanks so much for this it adds a great and professional looking touch to my blog - have opted for the 'carousel' format. I absolutely love it and how it all looks and how easy it is to use - from someone who is definitely 'HTML' challenged. Thank you again and will be certainly recommending this to others.
Will, I LOVE using this tool because it's so easy to add my supplies into my blog now! With My Stampin Blog I can start tying the name of the product I want and a list pops up so I can click on what I need (no more digging through the catalog to find numbers!). Plus if I forget to add something (since I like them listed in a certain order) I can easily move my items around. Plenty of options for different preferences...love it! Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with us.
Wow, Will, this is so easy to use. I love it!! thanks so much for putting it together.
Your Stampin' Blog tool has changed how I do my Stampin' Up! blog posts! I love how quick and easy it is and that you keep it up-to-date! A must-have service for all demonstrators! Thank you for the wonderful service.
This is an amazing tool! So easy to use and such a professional look. Thank you for making my blogging life much easier!
c'est vraiment génial !!!! je recommande car c'est assez simple et en plus c'est gratuit !! it's awesome thanks ! and in addition it's easy and free THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
OMG! I love this! So easy and to have a PDF is AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so easy to use! I am not sure why it took me so long. Just love love love it and will be using it more and more. Thank you so much for building this site for us!
What a great way to display the products I used! I totally love this site and program. Can´t wait to see the results and the reations of the followers of my blog!
Thank you so much for this great tool. So easy to use and so useful for the blog readers to actually see what products were used for a project!
There is so much to love about My Stampin Blog. This tool has helped my business tremendously. Thank you for the work you have done! And if you love it - remember to tip!
This is a wonderful tool! By far it beats the competition out of the water. It's so easy to use and I love how quick it is to make a product list. Thanks for taking the time to build this tool!
WOW!!! I am so pleased I found this site. It is so quick and easy to use - if I can do it, anyone can! Using this tool has really brought my Blog to life - everyone needs to know about this site! Thank you xx
I have only used this for 2 posts, but I LOVE IT....It has made things SO SO EASY!!! THANK YOU
We provide blog tools for stampers to help them be more productive and save time when it comes to managing their blog.
Register now for an account to see just how easy it is to add a beautiful product showcase or supply list to your blog.
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